Friday, August 21, 2020

Hey look, Im famousor something

Hey look, I’m famous…or something Hey, cool, my columns in the Tech! See? My column was a response to Ruth 07s column from last week. Two people complimented me on my column earlier today. One of whom I dont think Ive ever met before. Does anyone else ever run into the situation where people know who you are but you dont know them? Its a very odd feeling. Im still at the point where I find it sort of exciting to be in the Tech, assuming that Im not misquoted or whatever (which, interestingly, hasnt been a problem so far). I wonder how long that will last. Though I remember that the first time I was ever interviewed by the Tech (about a year ago) I had a 6.001 (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) test in 20 minutes and was not too happy about getting a phone call from a reporter. Hmm. I thought I just heard Kim 04 in the hallway saying that Clayton 08 was chasing a fire extinguisher down the stairwell. I must have misheard that. Even in East Campus, home of the Emergency Pizza Button and the Motorized Couch, fire extinguishers dont normally start running around of their own volition. Though if they did, I could totally see Clayton chasing one. I remember how last spring when I was running for UA Vice-President, Clayton was (I think) one of the 5th East freshmen who made fools out of themselves on my behalf by wearing breadboard-style posters with John 06s and my faces on them to get people to vote for our ticket. They tried to convince Bryan 07, my opponent, before they figured out who he was. Come to think of it, this may be one reason why there are people I dont know who recognize me by face. I apologize for this not being a more substantial entry. You prospective MIT students should ask me questions or something. Almost nobody asks me questions on this blog. I know other bloggers get questions. Am I that scary?

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