Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Internet Censorship Is a Form of Dictatorship

George Bernard Shaw once said, â€Å"The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.† Internet censorship is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet. In other words, one day you might not be able to Google everything you want to know as you can now. Although the Internet can be a dangerous without caution, countries need not to censor the Internet for their own selfish reasons. Internet censorship is a form of a dictatorship, and they can cause riots as well as take away our first amendment right. The Internet as we now it has been around since about 1990, introducing web pages and email. Censorship in America was just a basic group called EFF to prevent hackers. Many people went†¦show more content†¦In China, the Internet may not seem too censored, but it is. Nobody has access to anything unless it wants to be seen by somebody high up in the new government. People rely on the Internet for many things, les t it be remedies or gossip. It has become a lifestyle, a routine, a necessity. To some people, taking away their right to the Internet would equal taking away food. In response, people tend to protest. Recently, as of only a few weeks ago, Turkey cracked down on its Internet. Unable to stand disconnected, citizens protested. They took to the streets with picket signs and chants. Riot police had to break it up with water cannons. The law had been signed at the beginning of January, and rioters still have yet to give up on getting back their freedom. If America were to censor its Internet, it would interfere with the Constitution and the first amendment. The first amendment states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.† In most countries, a basic Tumblr user is tracked down to prevent any leakage of what goes on in the country. Just that alone in America would be unconstitutional through freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Though it would be bestShow MoreRelatedCensorship of Electronic Communication Systems1158 Words   |  5 PagesCENSORSHIP OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Introduction. Communication system of society is changing rapidly with the time. In ancient ages people use to communicate with shouting. If people are much more apart from one another the letter writing was the only means of communication just before 500 years. 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