Monday, December 2, 2019

Athletes and Their View in the Public Eye Essay Example

Athletes and Their View in the Public Eye Paper In the past couple of years athletes have proven themselves to be â€Å"normal† people, with what some would call â€Å"normal† problems. These can be considered normal. However, given the fact that these athletes are represented in the public eye, should they carry themselves in a more appropriate manner? Most would say yes. Professional athletes have a responsibility to act professionally in order to keep good standing status in the public eye. Michael Vick, Tiger Woods, and Alex Rodriguez are three that have shown examples of unprofessionalism. The NFL suspended former Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick for two years after being convicted for dog fighting in 2007† (Branch, 2010). This type of behavior hindered his career tremendously. The public viewed him with concern and stereotype. A year after becoming a convicted felon, Vick had an uphill battle to earn his respect back from the NFL as well as his fans. He showed no respect for his fans or himself by committing these actions. â€Å"I got indigestion, a stomach ache,† said Giants Coach back in 2010. That might also describe how Vick’s countless detractors feel, those disgusted that someone who systematically tortured dogs is back making millions of dollars in the NFL† (Branch, 2010). Michael committed actions upon innocent pit bulls that showed his team and fans unprofessional behavior. Tiger woods showed a different side of unprofessionalism without showing cruelty towards animals. â€Å"Tiger has spent his entire life in the public eye. Tiger was hailed for his control, discipline, focus, drive, and absolute commitment to excellence. He then suffered a great fall to his empire† (Scroggins, 2010). Following a late night car accident and a succession of tabloid revelations, the whole world came to know that Tiger was fallible. In addition to being a bad driver, he was a serial adulterer† (Scroggins, 2010). Tiger had the golf world in the palm of his hand, and because of lust and sexual indiscretions he lost it all. Tiger snuck away for weeks to hide from the shame he felt for cheating on his wife. Athletes sometimes forget that they are constantly under the microscope of the sports industry as well as their fans. Tiger ruined an empire he built for himself and crushed the family morals. He showed his unprofessionalism and it cost him his wife and family as well as his reputation. â€Å"As fathers, Christians, husbands, and sports fans, can we find anything of value in Tiger’s apology? †(Scroggins, 2010). Alex Rodriguez showed true unprofessionalism with drug usage and gambling. Alex Rodriguez is currently in some hot water with the MLB commissioner’s office. How will this affect his view in the public eye? Should he have been more aware of his actions? Alex was recently caught in the headlines with cocaine and illegal poker tied to his name. When you dig into the story you see Alex was not betting on sports. He was just hosting a party and playing poker with his buddies like millions of us do. This is a prime example of how perception is reality and how it affects the reputation of the industry as well as the player. Alex is being made an example by the league. â€Å"The fact is A-Rod put the reputation of the league at risk, and so, if deemed guilty, he will face the consequences and a likely suspension† (Crew, 2011). At his party he never touched a line of cocaine himself but allowed others to. We will write a custom essay sample on Athletes and Their View in the Public Eye specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Athletes and Their View in the Public Eye specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Athletes and Their View in the Public Eye specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The bottom line is his actions were unprofessional and jeopardized the league’s name just like previous MLB stars have. He needs to realize he is setting an example for millions who watch him. Children, men, women, and families watch baseball every year. Athletes need to be aware of their actions and understand they have responsibilities to their industry, teammates, and fans. Professional athletes have a responsibility to act professionally in order to keep good standing status in the public eye. Michael Vick, Tiger Woods, and Alex Rodriguez are three individuals that have shown examples of unprofessionalism in multiple forms. We look up to athletes as role models for ourselves and our children. As fans, we fuel their careers and we have expectations of professionalism during the game as well as in their personal lives. Athletes are under microscopes daily and need to be cognizant of their behavior and decisions. Michael Vick, Tiger Woods, and Alex Rodriguez have showed what can happen to ones reputation in seconds due to poor decisions. When you look at your favorite athlete how do you view them? Do they meet your expectations as a fan? Branch, J. (2010, November 18th). The New York times. Retrieved November 7th, 2011, from As Vick Soars, Stigma of Conviction Fades: http://www. nytimes. com/2010/11/19/sports/football/19vick. html? ref=dogfighting Crew, A. (2011, August 4th). Sympatico. ca. Retrieved November 7th, 2011, from Sympatico. ca: http://www. thecheapseats. ca/2011/08/on-alex-rodriguez-illegal-poker-movie-stars-cocaine-and-the-near-inevitable-suspension. html Scroggins, J. (2010, February 23rd). Florida Baptist Witness. Retrieved November 7th, 2011, from Point of View: Tiger’s apology is a ‘teachable moment’: http://www. gofbw. com/blog. asp? ID=11396

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