Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Group Success

Introduction WHAT IS A GROUP? According to the American Heritage Dictionary of American Language  ©, 4th edition copyright  © by the Houghton Miflin company A group is a number of individuals or things considered together because of similarities. Another definition as defined by Organisational Behaviour  ©, 2nd edition BPP Publishing copyright  © BPP Publishing Ltd. A group is a collection of three or more individuals who perceives themselves as a group, possess a common fate, and communicate with one another over time to accomplish both personal and group goals. As with the definitions we could imply that groups are formed in which members of it have a common purpose and goal, which is to work hand in hand making the job easier by aiding each other. Groups also promote understanding and cooperation within a certain area or field. Working in groups promotes a healthy corporate culture, which allows better relationship within the entire organisation. What is the reason for forming the group? There are a lot of reasons why a group is being formed, it cannot only be organisational reason but it can also be personal reasons. As with the Student Councils- it’s main reason for being is to aid students in their daily school life. Reasons for joining groups According to Walf H. Ratzburg there are a number of general tendencies why groups are formed. These could include: Similarity-attraction effect. The complementarity-of-needs hypothesis. The proximity-attraction effect. Exposure. Reciprocity. Basking in reflected glory. Similarity-attraction effect. People joined groups for the sole purpose of being with people who enjoy the same interests and likes as them. The complementarity-of-needs hypothesis. Being in a group allows you to encounter people that possess qualities that could sustain/ or fulfil ones needs. The proximity-attraction ef... Free Essays on Group Success Free Essays on Group Success Introduction WHAT IS A GROUP? According to the American Heritage Dictionary of American Language  ©, 4th edition copyright  © by the Houghton Miflin company A group is a number of individuals or things considered together because of similarities. Another definition as defined by Organisational Behaviour  ©, 2nd edition BPP Publishing copyright  © BPP Publishing Ltd. A group is a collection of three or more individuals who perceives themselves as a group, possess a common fate, and communicate with one another over time to accomplish both personal and group goals. As with the definitions we could imply that groups are formed in which members of it have a common purpose and goal, which is to work hand in hand making the job easier by aiding each other. Groups also promote understanding and cooperation within a certain area or field. Working in groups promotes a healthy corporate culture, which allows better relationship within the entire organisation. What is the reason for forming the group? There are a lot of reasons why a group is being formed, it cannot only be organisational reason but it can also be personal reasons. As with the Student Councils- it’s main reason for being is to aid students in their daily school life. Reasons for joining groups According to Walf H. Ratzburg there are a number of general tendencies why groups are formed. These could include: Similarity-attraction effect. The complementarity-of-needs hypothesis. The proximity-attraction effect. Exposure. Reciprocity. Basking in reflected glory. Similarity-attraction effect. People joined groups for the sole purpose of being with people who enjoy the same interests and likes as them. The complementarity-of-needs hypothesis. Being in a group allows you to encounter people that possess qualities that could sustain/ or fulfil ones needs. The proximity-attraction ef...

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